We don't see the others the way they are, but the way we ourselves are. Relationships work as our mirror. They are a fantastic spiritual exercise and meditation. Whether we are aware of it or not, they clearly show us, how and to whom we tend to relate to. We create our relationships ourselves and we are also fully responsible for their quality.
Relationships help us to better know ourselves, work on ourselves, develop, change what doesn't suit us – directly in the everyday reality. Things we dislike about others are often waiting for us to accept them and transform them within ourselves first.
It is not about THEM, it is about US. The better we feel ourselves, the better our relationships are. A healthy and functioning relationship never weighs us down – on the contrary: it inspires us to be better. If a relationship strips us of our authenticity and freedom, it is usually not worth it.
Love is not a relationship but our ability to love. How good this ability of ours is, shows in our relationships every day. The true quality of a man is shown in the smile of the woman he lives with. And it works the other way around as well!
If you feel something is not right, it is time to admit it to yourself, look at it closely, and make a change. It makes no sense to prolong suffering.
I have been in a relationship with my husband for 21 years, we have two children, we have been up and down many times, and it still makes great sense to us to be together. The depth of our connection, mutual respect, and trust enable us to always take a step forward together – stronger, happier, with more freedom. Some levels of love open up only after a long time of living together.
If the other person trusts us, we don't have to explain or prove anything – this is true in all relationships. If we don't have this trust, no explanations can help.
If you want to, even you can live happily in your relationship. Replace manipulation with freedom, accept your partner as they are, and say things as you feel them. A worthwhile relationship makes the dirtiest laundry washable without making us feel inferior or guilty.
Even a relationship should have a vision! If you don't know how to approach it and need to bring a breath of fresh air into your relationship, let me help you. I'll show you the right way and perspective, so that you can then continue any way you need to.
The offer contains:
- A coaching session in the form of a moderated dialogue in a couple.
- Identification of problems, obstacles, issues, that prevent you from living contentedly.
- Radical sincerity, listening, full openness, trust, emotional freedom.
- Transformation of problems into opportunities for growth and mutual enrichment.
- Discovery and bringing to awareness of areas of common ground and deepening of mutual understanding.
- Renewal of mutual respect and trust as cornerstones of your relationship.
- Two-way active and constructive communication with intention to understand, not argue.
- Definition of a common vision and individual goals.
- Strategy or an action plan leading to fulfillment of the common vision.
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I'm bringing you salutary medicine for pain and suffering that we often carry over generations and that prevents us from living happily and fully. I myself benefited from this cure and it helped me forgive and move forward.